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About Me

Riq B smiling on basketball court

Meet Riq B

I'm Riq B but my real name is Erik Batarao. I've been involved in sports and athletics my whole life with my main sports being basketball and track. I was on my highschool basketball team, but I was a bench player. I ran the 100m decently fast, but I never qualified. I enjoyed jumping, but could only touch the backboard. As much as I loved playing and competing in sports, I was an average athlete across the board with nothing really special about me. I'm 5'7 with average genetics. Becoming an elite athlete was out of the realm of possibility, right? I was like that pretty much my whole life. Then 2020 hit and the world got hit with a global pandemic.


While everyone was either freaking out, playing video games all night, or sleeping in everyday, I didn't take my time for granted. I decided it was time to make a change and try something. I started my dunk/vertical journey. It wasn't pretty in the beginning, but I stayed consistent. Fast forward to today, I now have an officially tested 41.5 inch vertical, graduated with a BASc in Kinesiology with Honours, have a NASM-CPT certification, trained and coached countless athletes, and gained the confidence to train ANYONE to jump higher. 


Greatness is possible when you go out and search for it. My goal is to train as many athletes around the world as I can who are searching for THEIR greatness.


There's a reason you're on this page reading this right now. You're searching for yours. You want to reach your athletic potential. We don't know what our genetics will allow us to do but we won't truly know until we actually go for it.

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